Ableton Live Tutorial #3 – Pads

Alright – this tutorial addresses something that I mentioned in an earlier post (“A Busy Day in the Neighborhood”). The plugin (Automat) I use for the ADSR envelope can be found here. So enjoy my awkward video. Any questions or comments are welcome!

~ by mattjhuber on April 19, 2008.

10 Responses to “Ableton Live Tutorial #3 – Pads”

  1. Great tutorial – what are you using for the B3 samples? I have some Reason keyboards, but I can’t find the sound you have! Which instrument is that?

  2. I am actually using Native Instruments’ B4 II. You can download the demo for it…its very usable as a demo (full functionality for 30 minutes). Check it out!

    It is by far the most versatile and best sounding B3 I have found yet.

  3. Thanks!! i also like – fully functional demo, almost a full keyboard. I’ll check out the B4 as well. Keep up the great work.

  4. I’d like to hire you to walk around with me and play pads throughout my day. Meetings pads, frenetic service is about to start pads, showering pads… you get the idea.

    Sounds great, Matty! Nice work.

  5. thanks man! Will totally use this!


  6. hey is there anyway to sync with a yamaha clickstation from ableton.
    im wanting to put my reason files into ableton and then midi in to my clickstation is there a way?

  7. Absolutely. There is a MIDI in on the Clickstation meant for just that. If you have a way to send MIDI out of Ableton, it is actually quite easy. I have done it numerous times with different devices — the Boss DB-90, as well as MIDI syncing with hardware (such as the Yamaha MOTIF XS8). Ableton makes it quite easy…

    Actually, send me an email (, and we can figure it out, if you haven’t figured it out already.

    • hey matt,
      I’m trying to connect my boss db-90 to ableton via MIDI so ableton can tell it to start, stop & change tempo but it’s not showing up in ableton’s MIDI preferences.
      are you able to walk me through setting it up?


  8. it’s like ‘you suck at photoshop’ for ableton! i love it.

    keep em comin

  9. How do I install automat?? I mean I think I installed it with the Terminal, but I don’t know how to find it in ableton live. help please ! x)

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